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6 Maintenance Steps To Complete Every Season on Your HVAC System

The heat can get intense in Plano, Texas, so it’s imperative to ensure your HVAC system is in optimal condition. Total Air provides six important steps to help you maintain your system’s efficiency and prevent a sudden emergency that has you sweating. Stay ahead of the weather by following these essential guidelines to keep your home comfortable and your HVAC system running smoothly.

An HVAC unit sits outside of a home in what appears to be spring

Step #1: Ensure You’re Not Leaking Cool Air

It is crucial to stay on top of HVAC maintenance each season. Here are a few easy, routine steps to ensure you’re not leaking cold air and wasting money.

  • Ensure proper insulation in the home: If your home isn’t insulated properly, you’re asking to waste up to 65% of your utility bill on cooling your home. Ensure all areas of your house are insulated, and you could get approximately 15% of that money back.
  • Clean vents and ducts: Having your air ducts professionally cleaned at least once a year if another way of making sure your cold air goes where it’s intended. Dirty vents can also cause indoor air quality issues and can also cause your HVAC unit to work harder to push out cool air, leading to costly breakdowns and repairs.
  • Check for and seal any air leaks around doors and windows: In the same category as insulation, are the gaps between your doors or windows drafty? Don’t allow your cold air to leak out; seal any areas where you can feel warm air coming in from outside (or have our team do it for you!)

Step #2: Change Your Filters

Filters play an important role in the air we breathe, impacting our health and comfort. If you’re waking up stuffy or congested, it might be time for a new filter and a breath of fresh air! You should aim to replace your filter every one to three months. High-efficiency filters may last longer but should be checked regularly. If you have pets or allergies, changing your filter should be done more frequently.

Step #3: Clean Your External Unit

Regularly sweeping away debris such as leaves, dirt, and other debris is crucial for your unit’s performance. You can also gently wash the exterior with water and keep the area free of vegetation to make sure your unit is getting the optimal airflow. Neglecting your external unit can lead to reduced efficiency, costly repairs, and a potential breakdown of your system.

Don’t let your HVAC unit suffer! Schedule an appointment with Total Air today for peak performance!

#4: Regulate Your Thermostat to the Season

Adjusting your thermostat seasonally will not only save you money but ensure your indoors are comfy and cozy. A programmable or smart thermostat allows you to set schedules and adjust temperatures automatically based on the season. This can simplify your life, reducing stress, and guaranteeing a comfortable indoor environment for you and your guests.

#5: Check Your Carbon Monoxide Detector

Exposure to carbon monoxide can lead to serious health issues or even be fatal. Common causes of carbon monoxide poisoning include vehicles, gas appliances, furnaces, fireplaces, and generators. Checking your detector regularly can keep your family and home safe. Since carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless, it’s impossible to detect it without a detector.

#6: Schedule an HVAC Maintenance Visit With Total Air

Scheduling routine maintenance with Total Air will extend your system’s lifespan, improve energy efficiency, and help prevent breakdowns, saving you money in the long run! Regularly checking your HVAC system will provide peace of mind, ensuring the safety and health of your family.

Why Go With Total Air for All Things HVAC?

When you choose Total Air, you can feel confident that you’re in the best hands. Founded in 1957 in the Northern Dallas and Plano area, we pride ourselves on being available 24/7 for your emergency service needs. With over 60 years of ensuring our customers’ satisfaction, we are not comfortable until you are. We offer financing options, savings and specials, and upfront pricing. Let our team assist you and keep your HVAC system running smoothly. Prioritizing your family’s health and safety is our top concern.

Only the experts at Total Air can keep your HVAC in top shape. Fill out an appointment form now, and we’ll respond as soon as possible!

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